Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
For any Customer, whether it be a large e-commerce business to someone trying to get their company off the ground, customer satisfaction is of utmost importance and nothing makes a customer happier than getting what they ordered fast and intact.
Making sure this all happens seamlessly and cost effectively is the core of any business operation.
As your business expands, you have less time to manage your supply chain and both business complexities and costs start to impact your true focus - that being the sale of your product to USA consumers.
Outsourcing your fulfillment requirements to BRi will create significant benefits for any business as it grows and faces more complex supply chain management and logistics challenges now and into the future.
Our BRi 3PL footprint extends through all of the USA (True fulfillment in every state).
Our purpose-built customer 3PL warehouse solution delivers:
active streamlining of your supply
maximizing customer value
a competitive advantage in the marketplace